Flipped Learning is a method of instruction in which the students engage in interactive lessons at home, for homework, while they participate in differentiated and active learning during class. There are currently many resources for Flipped Learning and there is a great deal of potential to meet student needs. Teachers focus more on critical thinking and collaboration during class and less on "covering" material. So, what do you get when you flip? More time with your students.
The Flipped Learning Network
Erin Sams and Jonathon Bergman have been the leaders in flipped learning for the past 8 years.Through their leadership, the Flipped Learning Network and Annual FlipCon conferences have been growing throughout the years. The mission of this group is to provide expert training in how to flip a classroom. There are a wide variety of teachers from different backgrounds who attend and present at the conference. Flipping involves providing direct instruction to students as homework so that the focus in the classroom is on applying that knowledge and learning is taylored to the individual learner.
Techsmith offers a number of products that can be very useful in the development and editing of the videos that you create for Fllipped Learning. Camtaisia is a fairly intuitive program that allows you to record a movie of yourself presenting whatever is being recorded on your computer screen. It has been found that most students like to have their own teacher in the video that they are viewing at home. With this program you can use a combination of videos, sounds, music and images or titles. Another Techsmith product that can be very useful in creating content is Snagit. With Snagit you are able to capture movies and edit the start and finish so that they can quickly be imported or edited in Camtaisia.

There are a wide range of resources that are easily accessible to all students. Biointeractive is very useful and can greatly enhance your flipped classroom by improving student understanding of difficult Biology concepts. There are classroom activities and teacher guides provided for many of the many animations, videos and virtual labs. The resources bring excitement to learning about cutting edge Biology research and content.

Educanon is a platform that will allow you to maximize the presentations that you will send home with students. You can integrate video with quiz questions, have their time on task as well as content understanding delivered back to you, all prior to the moment that they enter your classroom. In a flipped classroom, this will motivate students to complete their homework and will also allow you to have understand what concepts that have mastered and which they need additional help for.

Cogent Education.
Cogent is a fairly new program in which students can participate in an interactive case study. This is one option for Flipping Case Based Learning. Inquiry activities could be devloped for use with this program, either in class or as homework.

This is a simple and free program that can be used to import, clip, add audio and integrate quizzes into your homework lectures for the Flipped classroom. It is easy to use and you are able to input your classroom into the program.