The following websites are provided in order to link you to many national resources. Often programs are funded in your region or local area and they are accessible for students or teachers. Other programs provide outreach across the nation.
*Click on the pictures below to navigate to links.
Science on a Sphere is a captivating global display that uses projectors, video and large amounts of data to display information about weather patterns, migration, flight, atmospheric storms, climate change, and ocean temperature among other educational programs.
There is a SCIENCE on a SPHERE (SOS) located at the Rochester Museum and Science Center.
These interactive case studies provide students with an opportunity to solve real world science problems through interactive online lessons. Students are presented with a scenario and gain an understanding of difficult concepts by taking on the role of a professional in the field. An online assessment tool is provided so that teachers can monitor student performance, live.
This program provides students with the opportunity to do authentic research in gene annotation. The teachers and student who participate in this program annotate a selected gene and then present their research at a Capstone event, culminating their work. This is a grant funded program at the University of Buffalo.
The Life Sciences Learning Center provides teacher professional development, curriculum resources and student fieldtrips. Students have the opportunity to experience the real world operation of a research lab and do investigations in a research facility.
The Center for Biomolecular Modeling creates 3D models for teachers to use in their classrooms. There are excellent professional development, resources and interactive kits provided by CBM. They are also making advances in training teachers to use 3D printing of biomolecular models for classroom instruction.
The Library of Congress offers many resources for teachers and is a great source for primary source documents. They offer professional development and lessons that can be readilyapplied to classrooms in all content areas.
NASA provides hundreds of resources for teachers to use with their students. NASA also provides many webinars and professional development opportunities which enhance teachers STEM instructional practices.
Choose from a wide variety of innovative and intriguing educational resources provided by INTEL. This resource may also provide information about student research programs and will help guide teachers through the integration of research into classroom instruction.
TeachEngineering provides teachers with lessons and research that connects classrooms to cutting edge science. The lessons are developed by teachers, for teachers and many are created through the research experience for teachers program.
The National Science Foundation provides videos and lessons that immerse visitors in cutting edge scientific discoveries in STEM. Videos can be embedded in classroom websites, blogs or social network pages.
The National Institute of Health has provided a number of resources that are availble for use by teachers. These programs can be downloaded from the site or print material may be ordered.
The museum is a great resource for materials as well as teacher workshops. Each year they provide opportunities for teachers to attend professional development and gain understanding of the historical and scientific implications on society.
The National Academies of Science, Engineering and Medicine offers a variety of resources that assist teachers in developing scientific and technological literacy is essential to understand the world, for their students. There are many resources provided on this website, including, "A Framework for K-12 Science Education."
The Grand Challenges in Enginering challenge us to prepare the next generation of scientists and engineers to solve 21st century problems. There are 14 grand challenges.

Research Experience for Teachers SITES
The Research Experience for Teachers is an NSF funded program that provides teachers an opportunity to work in selected labs during the summer. These programs provide professional development in cutting edge science while at the same time allowing teachers to develop curriculum that connects to their classroom.
Biointeractive provides many short films, classroom laboratory resources and materials for instruction in the Biology classroom. Resources include holiday lectures, virtual labs, click and learns and teacher guides.
The resources provided by the USPTO allow teachers to learn how to provide students the opportunity to invent and innovate. Students also learn about copyright laws, trademarks, trade secrets, intellectual property and patents. They learn how the use of these allows others to extend the innovation process.
The Sea Glide program is provides teachers with training that will allow them to build a miniature underwater glider with their high school students. Building the seaglide requires students to investigate design, electronics and programming using arduino. Students may also learn to integrate sensors and video cameras.
Engineering is Elementary is a program that has been developed at the Museum of Science in Boston, Massachusetts. This program provides kits for students to gain an understanding of science and engineering practices and offers many professional development opportunities.
NBC Learn and NSF have collaborated to create excellent educational STEM videos for teachers, students and lay people so that they can understand the complexities of science in practical terms. These videos range from the "Science of Football" to "Innovation Nation" which features cutting edge discoveries that may impact our world in the future.